Prepare development environment for PHP
1. Virtual box and Vagrant
2. Install Apache
3. Install MySQL
(Or 3. Install MariaDB)
4. Install PHP
Docker and Docker-compose
1. Setting up CakePHP3 with CentOS
2. Bake and migration
3. Add some other features to the website
4. Add a calendar page
5. Use "contain"
(cakephp3, use contain() and filter the result by associated table's field)
6. Use find('list')
Laravel: Set up Laravel
Laravel: How to create a basic user creation page
Laravel: How to use phpunit in Laravel 5.7
Symfony 4
Symfony 4 Framework: install and setup
How to use Nginx for php
CakePHP others
Cakephp 3 date control
Cakephp3, use contain() and filter the result by associated table's field
Deploy cakephp webapp
How to create an uploader with CakePHP3
Create Uploader Tutorial
1. How to create uploader in CakePHP3
2. How to create downloader in CakePHP3
3. How to create PDF creater in CakePHP3
Develop your web crawler
1. Download and configure for PHPcrawl
2. Editing code of the crawler
3. Save fetched information in a database.
4. Sharing a local website inside a local network (optional)
5. User interface
Fix: PHPCrawl can not crawl https(SSL) website
Symfony 2
This is a very useful technique for Symfony2
Doctrine association: Parent and Children (External link to Stackoverflow)
Other topics
Errors when merging arrays in PHP
How to use Chef and create PHP environment automatically
Install MariaDB
Not escaped & not encoded for chrome browser?
Sharing a local website inside a local network
Use Visual studio code for PHP and Virtual Machine, Vagrant
Use "yum update" for old CentOS5 that is already EOL
How to use Chef and create Laravel environment automatically