PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) has the following kinds of time:
- optimistic time
- the minimum possible time required to accomplish an activity (o) or a path (O), assuming everything proceeds better than is normally expected.
- most likely time
- the best estimate of the time required to accomplish an activity (m) or a path (M), assuming everything proceeds as normal.
- pessimistic time
- the maximum possible time required to accomplish an activity (p) or a path (P), assuming everything goes wrong (but excluding major catastrophes).
Expected time is calculated as follows:
ExpectedTime = (OptimisticTime + 4MostLikelyTime + PessimisticTime) ÷ 6
I've made a javascript code to automatically calculate the above:
Most likely time: day(s)
Pessimistic time: day(s)
Expected time: Enter every input field.