What the goal is
We will use Docker and install Apache in container of CentOS 7. We will save the container as image for later use.
Install Docker toolbox in Windows
See this post to install Docker toolbox in Windows.
Pull CentOS 7 image
Double click on "Docker quick start" icon and after its boot, run the following command on the console:
$ docker pull centos
This command is to get the latest CentOS image. To get Cent OS 7 explicitly, use
$ docker pull centos:centos7
instead. For this time, we will pull the latest CentOS. After the pull command, we should have the latest CentOS image. Run the following to check what images were downloaded:
$ docker images
Seems like the "centos" image is there. Now run the following command to run the centos image's container and start its bash. (Container is a kind of a virtual server made by the image.)
$ docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash
[root@ffdb5501112c /]# (the container's bash started)
You can run "exit" to stop the bash (but you don't need to stop it yet). Or you can use docker's attach command to get the container's shell. See here.
OK, we have the bash to run commands on the CentOS 7 container now. Run the following commands to see information of the container:
[root@ffdb5501112c /]# uname -a
[root@ffdb5501112c /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Install Apache
We started the container and its bash by this command:
$ docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash
On the bash, run the following command to install Apache to the container's virtual machine:
[root@ffdb5501112c /]# yum -y install httpd
And the virtual machine will install Apache.
Save the state as image for later use
We have installed Apache in CentOS 7. We will save this container as another docker image for later use, which means we make "CentOS 7 + Apache" docker image. At first, exit the bash mode:
[root@ffdb5501112c /]# exit
Run the following command to see the container ID.
$ docker ps -a
5b49d3ec21fb centos "/bin/bash" 13 minutes ago
Exited (127) 14 seconds ago nervous_allen
The top of the list is the container ID, so seems like it is "5b49d3ec21fb". Run the following command to make the image from the container:
$ docker commit 5b49d3ec21fb centos7/apache
Now the image should have been saved! Check if it was really saved by this command:
$ docker images
$ docker run -i -t centos7/apache /bin/bash
Delete Docker images
$ docker rmi [image name]
Docker images made by other people
Docker images are shared in Docker hub.
Build image from Dockerfile
You can also build image from Dockerfile. If you want to share an same environment in a team, share Dockerfile and build image from the Dockerfile.
Use multiple containers for Docker
If you use multiple containers for your environment, you can use Docker compose.