Sunday, March 11, 2018

How to use tensorflow demo apps on android

Official start guide is here.

1. Install Android Studio.

2. If you are using Windows, install git for windows.
(Or, if you are using Linux or Mac, you can install git from the console with the package manager, like: sudo apt-get install git)

3. We will clone the tensorflow project from Github. Open your terminal (or command prompt) and do the following command.
git clone

And the tensorflow project will be copied to your current directory.

4. Open Android Studio, and from the Welcome screen, select Open an existing Android Studio project. When you choose the project to import, navigate to "somewhere-you-copied-tensorflow-project/tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/android".

And click OK.

5. Open "build.gradle".

6. Look for "def nativeBuildSystem" and change it to "none" from "bazel".

Maybe you will be asked if you will sync the project. In that case, click "sync now".

6. Click the run button.

7. The demo apps will start. Maybe you'd better use API27 to run the apps.

If you want to change the result view (of classifier), change here:
I changed it to make it look like 0 ~ 100%