1. Go to the spreadsheet and make a simple list on a sheet whose name is "sheet1" as follows.
A simple list like this:
ID | List of fruits |
1 | apple |
2 | orange |
3 | pineapple |
4 | tangerine |
5 | grape |
2. Go to the script editor and write code in the html named as "index" as follows:
For your copy and paste:
<!DOCTYPE html>3. Save all and make a new version, then publish it. If you don't know how to make versions and publish them, please see previous posts (Hello World or Use variables in html page).
<base target="_top">
var sheetApp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//Or .openById("YOUR_SPREAD_SHEET_ID"); can be used too
//spreadsheet ID can be found in URL of the spreadsheet:
//https://docs.google.com/SPREAD SHEET ID/edit#gid=0
var sheet = sheetApp.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var data = sheet.getRange(2,2).getValues();
<h1>I like <?= data ?>. </h1>
Maybe you will be asked this authorization after clicking "Update". Please authorize it.
4. Go to the URL which you published. You will see apple (that was cited from the spreadsheet) is written in the page.
Then reload the page... You can see "apple" is changed to "strawberry".
Of course you can use programming things such as for loop, so write codes between "<?" and "?>". For example, change the index as follows:
For your copy and paste:
<!DOCTYPE html>Make a new version and publish it. The result is:
<base target="_top">
var sheetApp = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//Or .openById("YOUR_SPREAD_SHEET_ID"); can be used too
//spreadsheet ID can be found in URL of the spreadsheet:
//https://docs.google.com/SPREAD SHEET ID/edit#gid=0
var sheet = sheetApp.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
for(var i=2;i<7;i++){
var data = sheet.getRange(i,2).getValues();
output.append('<h1>' + data + '</h1><br>');