Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Let's make life game 2

We already downloaded Swing designer in the last post. So now we can make an actual GUI application with SwingDesigner.

We will start making life game in this post. 

At first, we will make a display for the game. Start your Eclipse. 
Then make a Java project. Whatever is good for the name. I chose "LifeGame" for the project name.

Then click "Finish". We will see new project "LifeGame" was added to your project explorer.

We will make a new class for the main window. Click "File" from the menu bar and select "New", then "Others".

You will see the following display. Select "WindowBuilder".

Select the "Swing Designer", then"Application Window":

Whatever name is good for this. I wrote "MainWindow" for the name. Then click "OK".

You will see the following class was added to the project. Click "Design" now.

You will see an empty window. We will customize this empty window and make it LifeGame from now on.

Click the play button.

You can see the empty window which you've created is actually working.